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Frequently Asked Questions




What bat can my player use?

The only bat restriction for 8u-13u is the bat must have the USSSA fingerprint stamp or be BBCOR certified. Wood bats are also allowed. 14U will have a -5 Bat restriction and must have a USSSA fingerprint stamp.

Can my player wear metal cleats?

Rubber spikes only at the 8U - 12U Divisions. Metal spikes may be worn at the 13U & 14U Divisions.


The League


How do teams register? 

Go to and click the Register for 2015 tab.

What is the league entry fee? 

The league fee is $350. This fee is to cover administrative and organizational costs. Trophies, League T-Shirts and entitles each team to a minimum number of games. End of season playoffs are included in this fee.

How many games in a season? 

8U & 9U will play 12-16 games. 10U-14U will play 18 games. 12U-14U Elite level will play 14-16 games.

How are games scheduled? 

The Age Group Directors will give managers a list of what teams they are playing.  Managers will then schedule their games online.

How many players can be on a roster?

15 players can be on a roster. They cannot be rostered on any other WSBL team.

Do teams need a home field? 

Yes, each team needs to submit 10 separate home dates to be eligible to play in WSBL.

How are teams put into divisions? 

Teams are placed in divisions by level of play then geographically. At the 8U & 9U ages teams are placed in divisions geographically,10U and 11U ages there are A and B levels. At the 12U,13U and 14U levels there are Elite, A and B levels.


Awards and Postseason


Is there a post season tournament? 

There is a single game elimination playoff held the last two weeks of June. Scheduled Monday thru Thursday.

Are there trophies for winning Division, Playoffs? 

Division winners win a trophy. There are trophies for 1st and 2nd place of playoffs.




How do I enter a score from a game?

How to videos for scoring can be found on the help page

My record is incorrect. What should I do?

Make sure you do not have any games listed as "Unscored" under "Game Results" on your team page. If you do, click on those games and correct the score. Standings may not immediately update.


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