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How to Schedule Away Games

Becoming a Team Manager or Scorekeeper

  1. Sign up for an WSBL account here: Create New Account
  2. Login
  3. Find the team you want to be added to as a team manager or scorekeeper by clicking "Who's In for 2014" and finding your team or locating them in the team standings.
  4. Click the Team Name Link
  5. In the side navigation, click "Request Membership" link.
  6. Click the "Request Membership" button.
  7. Ask person who signed up team to log in 
  8. Ask person who signed up team to log in and complete these steps
    1. Login
    2. Click your team name in the top right column under "My Teams"
    3. Click "# Members" in the top right column under your team name.
    4. Under members click "approve" where it says "Request: approve or deny."
    5. Under Admin click "Admin: Create".
    6. Click confirm in response to the question: Are you sure you want to make username a group administrator for the group team name?


Note: If someone signs up as a scorekeeper, they will only be allowed to enter scores. Sign up as a team manager or team director if you need the capability to schedule games.




Entering a Roster

  1. On your team's homepage, find the block "Team Roster" and click the link "Create team roster for this season".
  2. In the section labeled "Players" enter "Number" "First Name" "Last Name" and "DOB".
  3. Add another player by clicking "Add more values".
  4. Repeat steps 3 & 4 for each player on your team.
  5. When you are done adding players, scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Save".


Change Your Password

  1. Click on "My Account" in the menu in the right column.
  2. Click the "Edit" button under your username in the main content area.
  3. Enter your new password in the "Account Information" section under your email address.
  4. Enter it again under "Confirm Password".
  5. Scroll to the bottom and click the "Save" button.


Submit a Score

  1. Log in
  2. Click your team name in the top right column under "My Teams"
  3. Click the game in the column called "My Games"
    1. Game not there? Look in the box below to see if the score was already submitted by the other team.
  4. Click "Edit"
  5. Enter Score and click "Save" button
  6. Once you submit a score, it cannot be changed.
  7. Contact your Age Group Director to correct any scores. 


Change a Game Date and/or Time

  1. Log in
  2. Click your team name in the top right column under "My Teams"
  3. Click the game in the column called "My Games"
  4. Click the green "Edit" button
  5. Change date or time.
  6. Click "Save"

Adding a Team Manager or Scorekeeper

Note: They must sign up for an account on WSBL first!

  1. Login
  2. Click your team name in the top right column under "My Teams"
  3. In your team menu, click "Invite Members"
  4. Click the "Add Members" button
  5. In the "List of Users" box, enter the new manager/scorekeepers website username
    1. You can find your username by going to Your username will be in green above the View, Edit and My Friends buttons.
  6. Click "Add Users"
  7. Click "# Members" in the top right column under your team name.
  8. Click "Admin: Create"
  9. Click confirm in response to the question: Are you sure you want to make username a group administrator for the group team name?

Note: If someone signs up as a scorekeeper, they will only be allowed to enter scores. Sign up as a team manager or team director if you need the capability to schedule games.

Signup a new team for the WSBL.

Kickoff Meeting date in video is incorrect. Date will be announced this month.


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