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How to Schedule Away Games
Becoming a Team Manager or Scorekeeper
- Sign up for an WSBL account here: Create New Account
- Login
- Find the team you want to be added to as a team manager or scorekeeper by clicking "Who's In for 2014" and finding your team or locating them in the team standings.
- Click the Team Name Link
- In the side navigation, click "Request Membership" link.
- Click the "Request Membership" button.
- Ask person who signed up team to log in
- Ask person who signed up team to log in and complete these steps
- Login
- Click your team name in the top right column under "My Teams"
- Click "# Members" in the top right column under your team name.
- Under members click "approve" where it says "Request: approve or deny."
- Under Admin click "Admin: Create".
- Click confirm in response to the question: Are you sure you want to make username a group administrator for the group team name?
Note: If someone signs up as a scorekeeper, they will only be allowed to enter scores. Sign up as a team manager or team director if you need the capability to schedule games.
Entering a Roster
- On your team's homepage, find the block "Team Roster" and click the link "Create team roster for this season".
- In the section labeled "Players" enter "Number" "First Name" "Last Name" and "DOB".
- Add another player by clicking "Add more values".
- Repeat steps 3 & 4 for each player on your team.
- When you are done adding players, scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Save".
Change Your Password
- Click on "My Account" in the menu in the right column.
- Click the "Edit" button under your username in the main content area.
- Enter your new password in the "Account Information" section under your email address.
- Enter it again under "Confirm Password".
- Scroll to the bottom and click the "Save" button.
Submit a Score
- Log in
- Click your team name in the top right column under "My Teams"
- Click the game in the column called "My Games"
- Game not there? Look in the box below to see if the score was already submitted by the other team.
- Click "Edit"
- Enter Score and click "Save" button
- Once you submit a score, it cannot be changed.
- Contact your Age Group Director to correct any scores.
Change a Game Date and/or Time
- Log in
- Click your team name in the top right column under "My Teams"
- Click the game in the column called "My Games"
- Click the green "Edit" button
- Change date or time.
- Click "Save"
Adding a Team Manager or Scorekeeper
Note: They must sign up for an account on WSBL first!
- Login
- Click your team name in the top right column under "My Teams"
- In your team menu, click "Invite Members"
- Click the "Add Members" button
- In the "List of Users" box, enter the new manager/scorekeepers website username
- You can find your username by going to Your username will be in green above the View, Edit and My Friends buttons.
- Click "Add Users"
- Click "# Members" in the top right column under your team name.
- Click "Admin: Create"
- Click confirm in response to the question: Are you sure you want to make username a group administrator for the group team name?
Note: If someone signs up as a scorekeeper, they will only be allowed to enter scores. Sign up as a team manager or team director if you need the capability to schedule games.
Signup a new team for the WSBL.
Kickoff Meeting date in video is incorrect. Date will be announced this month.